Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Climate Change With Peter Griffin - Grinds My Gears

Today: With Peter Griffin and "Grinds My Gears".

I watched a presentation today whilst in my Motor Vehicle Level 2 (PTA) tutorial session. It concerned the subject of climate change and examined whether or not human activity was in any way contributing towards the excessive build up of Carbon Dioxide in the planet's upper atmosphere, which in turn is heating up the Planet's surface and sub-marine environment, to levels which seem to be causing considerable negative impact on our natural environment and prevailing weather patterns.  It was presented by Sir David Attenborough and produced by the BBC (usually - Be Blinking Careful!).  On this occasion however, it would appear to hold considerable merit as the case was put forward with clarity, logic and honesty for once!  The evidence is based upon extensive research of Planet Earth's (large spherical object, rotating at a funny angle in space on which we all live, share and cherish dearly) historical record.  This was obtained from Arctic ice core samples, spanning thousands of years, and would appear to suggest that in addition to natural Planetary and Solar cyclic changes, human activity is indeed playing a part in its acceleration, more so from as recently as the 1970's!

When one considers the sheer volume of modern day industrial, military, commercial and domestic emissions from all forms of firing platforms and transportation, our modern production and import/export processes, business practices and 24/7 operation of lighting and heating, largely using fossil fuels, (all driven by money and the greed's of governing regimes, "Bankers (ahem)" and ego orientated "must-have" materialistic consumers), then the facts do start to add up!  Add to this the idiotic practice of deforestation, which reduces the Planet's natural ability to proportionally re-convert Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen, and all just so we can all have a "nice table" to sit our manifested backsides around, on "charming chairs" with a "contemporary sense of arrogance", whilst also systematically and simultaneously eliminating natural habitats for species' that were here long before us Humanoid Beings in the first place - Well. Hey Presto, aint no big surprise I have to say folks!

What may also come as a surprise to such people (as previously described), is Planet Earth's ability to rid itself of anything that is working actively (consciously or otherwise) against its natural purpose, and also the fact that there is something that we can all do together to alleviate this self inflicted process - It is quite simply - Wake the hell up and take individual responsibility (ESDGC?) for our own actions and thought processes (or "lack of" as applicable), and also right Now!

SOLUTION/FACT: The "customer" (That's me and you) drives demand - Think about this factoid for a moment please! Actions speak louder than words or crosses on a ballot paper!

- So that the next time: you "leave the lights on" while you sleep or otherwise vacate area hitherto so lit, or needlessly "upgrade your Mega Data HTC Mobile Phone Device", or buy a pair of "trendy trainees" for £100 (minimum), or buy a 500 inch TV made in Japan in order to see the stitching of a football in 3D (being kicked by an overpaid and over valued celebrity), or stock up on out of season exotic fruit from Kuala Lumpa on a daily pilgrimage to Asda, or "object to the use of wind turbines and solar panels", because it's "untidy and reduces the value of your house and spoils the view", or whinge and whine that "it's not my problem"! - It is all our problem - and if we don't all face it and accept it together Now- well we may as well all buy a glass bottomed Kayak and wait for the underwater tours of the coral reef, forming around what was once Somerset in a couple of thousand years - If we are still here of course!

Rant over - (much better) Thank you and Good Night - Sleep easy, but do please Wake Up if you have not already done so!?

Yours P Griffin.