C.L.I.F. Labels

Listed below are some of the activities you will be writing about, your course tutor will direct you to the correct label for Blogs/posts. You may wish to write extra Blogs and this will be encouraged by your tutors, if you are unsure as to which label a certain post should go under ask your personal tutor.
  1. Employability Skills:
C.V. writing, interviews, interview techniques, covering letters, time keeping.
  1. Vocationally relevant qualifications:
4290-13 Diagnose and Repair light vehicles (Diploma):
  1. Competency Certificates:
These are certificates gained from a VCQ qualification.
  1. Enterprise/ Entrepreneurship Skills:
Design and run a business (this will also be used as a college charity event).
  1. Welsh in the Workplace:
You are encouraged to use Welsh and be aware of the Welsh dimension. Additional to this on week 21 of our group tutorials we will be conducting a St David’s day challenge and completing a session with Welsh as a first language.
  1. GCSE English / Numeracy / Mathematics:
You have been encouraged to gain the grades required for the automotive industry, under this label should be your progress on GCSE courses. Also I would like you to write a Blog reflecting on your GCSE results from the past.
  1. Wider Key Skills not in the core:
You will be completing two Wider Key Skills at level 3; these will be introduced to you within the first term.
  1. Basic Skills / ESOL support:
This is only relevant to certain students; they will be told who they are.
  1. Skills Competitions:
You will be encouraged to enter skills competitions. We will compete in skills competitions within your group and spectate at competitions held here at Deeside.
  1. Work skills:
Under this label will be posts relating to workshop tasks and work skills developed during your time at college and in part time work or work placements where applicable.
  1. Customer Services:
Charity event (see item 4)
  1. QALL or UfI units relevant to progression
  2. ESOL or Basic Skills necessary to support progress:
See item 8.
  1. Health & Safety / Hygiene / First Aid (to include risk assessment):
Internet safety, staying safe at a party (wk28 group tutorial). Stress (week 33). First Aiders will complete a presentation.
  1. Forest Schools / Duke of Edinburgh:
Past experiences. Duke of Edinburgh is offered here, please speak to you tutor if you wish to be involved.
  1. Career Education:

Guest speakers, industrial visits, progress (see also item 10).

CLIF description is to be used for a label on the Blogger Community Learner Industry Focus (CLIF) - Guidance for Content CLIF content may be at the level of the main qualification or above or below this level as appropriate to the learner and their intended outcomes. The vocational qualifications in CLIF add value to the main qualifications by developing wider skills Competencies or by taking skills to a higher level to aid progression to employment and/or to further study. Code Title Description: G2 Generic Description (CLIF description) 1. Employability Skills 2. Vocationally relevant qualifications 3. Competency Certificates 4. Enterprise/ Entrepreneurship Skills 5. Welsh in the Workplace 6. GCSE English / Numeracy / Mathematics 7. Wider Key Skills not in the core 8. Basic Skills / ESOL support 9. Skills Competitions 10.Work skills 11.Customer Services 12.QALL or UfI units relevant to progression 13.ESOL or Basic Skills necessary to support progress 14.Health & Safety / Hygiene / First Aid 15.Forest Schools / Duke of Edinburgh 16.Career Education During your time at college there will be opportunities to cover several of the above subjects and write Blogs in relation to what has been covered. Additionally you may find that you cover some subjects outside of college, if you feel that this is the case discuss it with your personal tutor and they will agree what label it should go under or possibly that you create your own label.

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