Listed below are some of the activities you will be writing about, your course tutor will direct you to the correct label for Blogs/posts. You may wish to write extra Blogs and this will be encouraged by your tutors, if you are unsure as to which label a certain post should go under ask your personal tutor.
- Employability Skills:
C.V. writing, interviews, interview techniques, covering letters, time keeping.
- Vocationally relevant qualifications:
4290-13 Diagnose and Repair light vehicles (Diploma):
- Competency Certificates:
These are certificates gained from a VCQ qualification.
- Enterprise/ Entrepreneurship Skills:
Design and run a business (this will also be used as a college charity event).
- Welsh in the Workplace:
You are encouraged to use Welsh and be aware of the Welsh dimension. Additional to this on week 21 of our group tutorials we will be conducting a St David’s day challenge and completing a session with Welsh as a first language.
- GCSE English / Numeracy / Mathematics:
You have been encouraged to gain the grades required for the automotive industry, under this label should be your progress on GCSE courses. Also I would like you to write a Blog reflecting on your GCSE results from the past.
- Wider Key Skills not in the core:
You will be completing two Wider Key Skills at level 3; these will be introduced to you within the first term.
- Basic Skills / ESOL support:
This is only relevant to certain students; they will be told who they are.
- Skills Competitions:
You will be encouraged to enter skills competitions. We will compete in skills competitions within your group and spectate at competitions held here at Deeside.
- Work skills:
Under this label will be posts relating to workshop tasks and work skills developed during your time at college and in part time work or work placements where applicable.
- Customer Services:
Charity event (see item 4)
- QALL or UfI units relevant to progression
- ESOL or Basic Skills necessary to support progress:
See item 8.
- Health & Safety / Hygiene / First Aid (to include risk assessment):
Internet safety, staying safe at a party (wk28 group tutorial). Stress (week 33). First Aiders will complete a presentation.
- Forest Schools / Duke of Edinburgh:
Past experiences. Duke of Edinburgh is offered here, please speak to you tutor if you wish to be involved.
- Career Education:
Guest speakers, industrial visits, progress (see also item 10).
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