Right Choice Review
What type of job do I want to do after College?
| Post of Learning Support Assistant at Coleg Cambria, initially alongside current paid employment. |
How will my course help me to get this job?
| As a co-student within the Engineering Department (MV), also gaining Mentoring experience with Isaac Daykin. |
What more information or support do I need to help me to know more about this job, and help me to get this job when I leave Collge?
| If possible, formalised training through a voluntary work placement at Coleg Cambria. |
What else do I need to do to help me get the job I want?
| Improve my Mathematical ability, esp fractions and percentages. |
What extra support and help have I had or need to help my learning?
| Additional work with the above is needed. |
How well am I coping with my course?
| I am coping OK. It has been challenging being an aspiring mentor, whilst also coming to grips with the course subject content, and the various other new technologies (IT/Google+/Blogger etc) at such a relatively advanced stage of individual progress through life. I am now really beginning to enjoy the experience though. The more practice - the more experience etc. |
How am I working to improve my literacy, numeracy and employability skills?
| I require to improve my numeracy skills. I will re-take my BKSB IA within the College library, probably on a day that I am not scheduled to attend for my current course of study (ie; without the usual unnecessary self inflicted pressure, or any other distractions or external influences). Will e-mail you when it has been completed in order to give you my honest current base line aptitude. I had 2 questionable maths teachers when I was at school. Confidence issue. |
Name:Martin Davey
Course:Motor Vehicle Level 3
Some very interesting comments here Martin and good use of reflection. We will be doing something during this weeks tutorial that may help in identifying areas for improvement with your maths and English.
ReplyDeleteIn addition I will ask the question in relation to voluntary work and report back to you.