Thursday, 19 March 2015

Group Tutorial - Thursday 19th March 2014

Today's tutorial began with notice being given of the need for people to register in order to be able to vote at the forthcoming General Election.  The session then moved onto individual progress in the areas of literacy and numeracy, and how we felt we had developed within the requirements of the current course programme.

I feel that I am a lot more confident in the areas of both literacy and numeracy since having commenced this 3 year programme.  The College utilises an on-line assessment tool going by the name of BKSB, something that is undertaken by all students, both at the beginning and end of each learning year. I have always experienced problems with numeracy, and attending this course has been very helpful in focussing my attention toward an issue that has been avoided for far too long.  The issue has always been one of confidence, and this is something I feel is being addressed at last.  My literacy on the other hand is something I did have confidence with at school, and indeed throughout my adult life to date, however, having completed BKSB, I found that even this could do with some polishing.  My main focus remains with numeracy however, and I am currently reviewing the programme from home (where there is "zero" chitter chatter)!

The course content itself has also required a standard of numeracy that was previously beyond my comprehension.  Such areas where numeracy is required within the Automotive Industry include:

  • Calculating cubic capacity
  • Electrical calculations using Ohm's and Watt's Laws.
  • Calculating gear ratios
  • Correctly using a Micrometer
  • Calculating Shim Sizes
  • General assessment and calculation of measurements.
There were also subjects included such as Working With Others and Problem Solving, which developed our communication and organisational abilities.

Throughout Levels 1 and 2 we were also required to undertake Essential Skills alongside our wider programme of studies, which focussed on areas such as numeracy and literacy specifically.  We also were given opportunity to develop our public speaking and presentation skills, presenting researched projects to the rest of the class.

My desire to improve upon these skills (particularly numeracy), has come to the fore since realising a wish to become a Teaching Assistant (rather than a Vehicle Technician), and I continue to make adjustments to my "rest time" in order that it becomes achievable accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Martin, I have posed a question to the rest of the group but feel you answer it here within this Blog.
