Saturday, 6 December 2014

David Catling Does Blue Peter - Thursday 4th December 2014

Destruction Sheet
Today was a gem of a day!  It is always refreshing to do something "off of the cuff", and David Catling provided us all with a proper treat! After parking our manifested backsides in Room E211 and duly unpacking and preparing for a scheduled Theory Session, David then went on to produce a box of tricks containing numerous bits of wiring, magnets, an electric drill and various other assorted components that would have easily attracted the interests of any MI6 operative, had they been present!

Rather than undertake our normal theory session, we were instead all informed that we would be going into the Workshop downstairs in order to construct some improvised motors.  This proved an excellent exercise, which resulted in all of us later leaving with a much clearer understanding of the basic operating principals of electro-magnetism.  I also, for the first time in a long time, felt happily like a bit of a child again - experimenting and having fun, whilst not taking life too seriously?!

We were grouped into teams of 3's and a 2 (myself and Peter Bland being the duo).  Each team was given a destruction sheet, 3 corks, 2 magnets, 2 large split pins, a small "matchbox" sized block of wood and another larger plate of wood with which to form a base plate.  We each also had to cut to size a section of steel rod to use as a spindle, and 3 lengths of electrical wire (2m for a rotor winding and 2 shorter pieces for the rotor brushes).  We also had the obligatory "tin foil" and some "sticky" insulation tape (but we didn't have any toilet roll tubes, as if we had, I would have also known how to make a powerful set of binoculars)!

Not "quite" 
Windings attached
We had 2 hours in which to construct our motors, at the end of which each model would be hooked up to David's "life giving" device to see if any did in fact rotate, as was eagerly anticipated by all!  We were required to drill a horizontal 5 mm hole through the length of the matchbox block, through which our spindle could then be inserted.  Having utilised a workshop pillar drill for this purpose, I still found that my horizontal was bordering on the diagonal (but hey-ho: it was within operational tolerances)!  We then had to counter-sink two 5mm holes into either end of the base plate, into which would then sit the split pins in order to provide the support and bearings for either end of the spindle, and its' centralised rotor.
Only time it rotated!

With approximately 30 minutes left of the session, all of the teams had cobbled together their respective interpretations of the provided destructions ready to be tested.  David's "life giving device" was duly connected to model #1 and ........ nothing!  However it was keenly observed that the power device wasn't registering output voltage!  The fuse was duly checked and joyfully proved as "officially blown"!  With hopes restored and no spare fuse, it was time to bring out a 12v car battery - to hell with it all!  After a further non-positive test of #1, our model was second up - and subsequently provided a few "pretty sparks" at the brushes - but not much else I have to say!!

"Genesis MkI"
Richard Branson Watch Out!
Disappointed we were not!  Deffinately a design flaw with the brushes - that is all - and we all formally request further modification time and a re-run accordingly!  One model did in fact run (with the assistance of Isaac providing a "human electrical contact" of the brushes) - what more can be said?!

All models presented had the ability to run, and with further modification time, will do so fantastically.  Maybe before Christmas?  Fantastic day and thoroughly enjoyed - Thank you David!  Deeside Power Station beware - Let the Tree Lights flicker throughout Flintshire and beyond!!

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