Another busy day was had at AA Automotive today. Having completed the obligatory round of brews to lubricate everyone to operating temperature, I was assigned to Ramp 2 to undertake the R&R of a Post-Cat Lambda Sensor. Access was straight forward and the replacement part was also to hand - Nice steady one to kick off with and completed confidently using the specialist sockets provided. The car was subsequently connected to an Autel Diagnostics Scanner to verify fault cleared, and then taken for a test drive by the Master Tech to ensure performance under load. Happy Days!
Autel Diagnostics
Job No2 was also another Lambda Sensor but was Pre-Cat this time, and a little harder to access due to a protective shroud around the connector point. After much fiddling and contortion I managed to finally disconnect the sensor and then remove as planned. Upon comparing the old sensor to the replacement I noticed a significant difference in the probe size, although all the wiring colours were the same. Having verified with the Master Tech that this was OK the refitting process was completed with relative ease. Again the scanner was connected and the fault cleared and re-run - job done again. My third Solo Task was an Oil and Filter Change on a Nissan Micra, accompanied by a few fluid level adjustments and a tyre pressure check. This task went well and was only interrupted by the dinner bell. With my tasks completed I then undertook a bit of housekeeping and generally assisted where needed. My final task before heading off to work was to assist in the man-handling of a motor home into the workshop assisted by Dan and Dave, whilst the Master Tech took care of the steering. By the time we had got into the workshop we were all huffing and puffing (less the Master Tech). Myself and Dan disengaged from pushing, just moments before the Master Tech applied the brakes "very firmly", leaving Dave sliding down the back of the vehicle and into a crumpled heap on the floor! Another very interesting, challenging and entertaining day and thank you all again!
Busy busy!