Saturday, 24 January 2015

The Garage - Friday 23rd January 2015

Work throughput remains "high" at AA Automotive, who appear to have bucked an otherwise "slow start" trend to the year (according to information gathered from other local automotive service providers), and long may it continue.  I started the day with the obligatory round of brews, and then started on finishing the cleaning of the inside of the Porsche Bell Housing from last Friday.  Andy Kirby then came through to the back and requested if I could remove and refit 2 new tyres for a Vauxhall Zafira.  Dan was engrossed with a Gearbox removal from a motor home, and Dave was engaged with the sorting of a Saab boot lock, so I was only too happy to muck in and bridge a gap.
OSF Drop Link

Having retrieved the relevant vehicle information from Autodata, regarding pressures and torques, I then set about the removal, replacement and re-balancing accordingly, which went very well indeed.  I cleaned up the hubs with a wire brush, applied a light coat of low fling lubricant and then re-fitted the NSF wheel and tyre. Andy had removed a drop link on the OSF so I was instructed to hold fire on that side.  At this point Andy was required elsewhere and then left me with instructions for the careful refitting of the drop link OSF (due to the close proximity of currently rotating pulleys).  Once fitted I was then able to re-attach the OSF road wheel, and then lower the beam jack, in order to torque both road wheels to manufacturer's specification.

New Oil Filter
I was then informed that a Minor Service was also required.  Having lowered the ramp, in order to switch off the ignition, I then re-raised the vehicle and then gathered a floor post with suitable container, and all the other required tools, before dropping the (HOT) engine oil accordingly.  With the oil drained and Sump Plug (& washer) replaced, I then removed and replaced the Spin-On Oil Filter already provided.  At the point of the Oil Filter removal, I made a point of notifying Andy that there was considerable evidence of oil leakage from the old filter, which had "clearly" not been replaced for some time.  Prior to replacement therefore, I applied copious amounts of engine de-greaser to the underside of the engine and surrounding areas, in order to to ensure a good finish to the job.

I was also required to improvise a repair to a  rear-end exhaust shroud, which had become completely detached, due to "rotting" around its' securing bolts.  Notwithstanding liberal application of rust penertrator and brushing, two of the remaining five viable securing bolts sheared upon their tentative removal. Thankfully there is a very large tub of spare nuts, bolts and washers held within the Workshop, within which I managed to source 3 suitably over-sized washers to re-pin the shroud to a satisfactory standard.  Satisfied so far, I then lowered the vehicle in order to refill with the Manufacturer's specified grade and quantity of engine oil, and then also removed and replaced the Air Filter accordingly.
Re-filling Engine

With the fresh oil in and level checked, I then conducted a start in order to allow the oil level to re-settle accordingly.  I then switched off the engine and re-checked accordingly (including beneath for any leakage) - of which there was none currently apparent.  I then topped up to 5.5 litres and moved swiftly on to the Air Filter, which went without a hitch. I then de-greased and cleaned off the engine top cover to ensure a "job done" finish (or so I thought)!

Air Filter
Andy duly removed the vehicle from the ramp and on came another motor home for a service.  By this time it was round about 1545 hours (30 minutes to go for myself) and all I had to do was drop the engine oil and re-seal realistically.  Before I had chance to find the correct size tool to remove the sump plug, I was asked by Jim if I recalled removing the washer from the old Oil Filter on the Zafira, as it was leaking oil!  (Shoot)!  I did however, remain confident that I had done all correctly and professionally, as is required, and duly attended Ramp 1, where the vehicle had been re-raised for inspection (now with customer waiting)! The filter I had previously just installed was re-removed and duly re-inspected accordingly.

After confirming all appeared "OK", I was asked to sit in the vehicle while it was raised higher, in order to re-run the engine upon re-fitment, which did "thankfully" prove to be OK. It was subsequently suggested that the level of contamination from the previous leakage (despite my best-est cleaning efforts), was probably the cause, as upon re-fitment all was indeed well, and was gracefully informed - "it could have happened to anyone" (Big inner sigh of relief)!  With vehicle lowered I was then requested to reverse the vehicle to the entrance of the workshop in readiness for the customers' retrieval, upon his payment for services professionally rendered of course!

Wallet - "check", Mobile Phone - "check", E-Cig, fluid & Charger - "check", Specs & Case - "check", TNT Woolly Hat "check", off to work I went, departing at 1615 hrs, and still with a very Happy Friday feeling indeed! Thanks guys - brilliant blur of another day at AA Automotive!

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