The subject of Substance Misuse is a serious one, more so now-a-days (I would suggest), due largely to the vast array of substances that are now more readily available to misuse. There are many categories, such as Alcohol and Tobacco (often overlooked due to their apparent social acceptability), Cannabis, Uppers (E's, MDMA, Speed, Cocaine), hallucinogens (LSD, Magic Mushrooms), prescription and non-prescription drugs, Anabolic Steroids, Legal Highs, Aerosols and "copious" other Class A/B/C Drugs - the list is endless - however each fundamentally operates by altering one's otherwise normal Mind State! It is also important to recognise that each also affects other users in different ways. Before going any further however - I would first like to attempt to clarify and define what I believe would best constitute "use" and "misuse"?
Information is Key |
Ultimately of course, the decision to use any such substance is one based upon individual choice. The reason why individuals' choose to use any substances in the first place are as numerous as the substances available to do so, yet I would suggest that being exposed to it within any family, social or other peer framework would probably be the commonest - particularly effecting the younger generations (although by far no means exclusively) - and invariably starts with Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis. Progression to other drugs may or may not follow. This would depend upon the choice of the consumer, and based against numerous other factors; such as their level of self discipline, immediate environment and social conditioning, and also the frequency and level of exposure to the subject (to name but a few).
Misuse of Steroids |
Another issue closely linked with the use/misuse of substances is one of crime. Unless you are a corrupt chemist, with access to the various ingredients and processing equipment, or have the knowledge, resources and equipment and sole privacy to cultivate your own Herbage, anyone wishing to obtain such substances are going to have to need to provide cash in order to do so. We are now talking "Black Market", and of the "dodgy marketeers" who operate within it. If a user (addict) finds that they have no money, but want's (needs) to purchase regardless, then they will go to extreme lengths in order to do so - usually resulting in theft from within their immediate family environment - but externally also if they deem it necessary. This perception is ultimately as a result of a "distortion of reality", again another prevalent direct side effect of the misuse of substances.
"Flintshire Sorted" Information Display in College Foyer earlier today |
As with any issue affecting the social welfare of society, there are numerous organisations available to contact in order to obtain assistance in beginning the process of rehabilitation and recovery, however the user must first recognise and accept that they have an issue of their own accord first and foremost. Some organisations are substance specific whilst others are "all encompassing". Below I have enclosed some links to a few of those currently available. I felt as though I could have gone a lot more in depth on this subject, and quite easily for the rest of the day! Ultimately however my advice, which is based based upon personal past experiences, would be "Keep Mind Clear - Stay away from the Gear".
I attach a final photograph of a sign post I spotted and followed myself not so long ago. It was a bit of a bumpy dirt track to start with, but it evened out onto smooth tarmac after about 6 months of determined driving!
Useful Links
Well done Martin, some great information here.