Today saw us all taking the first two of the four final Level 3 knowledge exams. First up was Engines, although upon waiting for commencement, I realised I had left my specs at home! Not the best start, and far too late to do anything about it, other than "go with the flow"! My eyesight with close detail, such as small print and computers is not good, but I did manage to complete all the questions within the time limit, although with no time to review my answers. Upon returning to the classroom to receive the results I was somewhat apprehensive as to how I had fared, and was "very" pleasantly pleased with the Distinction I had been aiming for in that subject (86%). Steve Leonard inquired as to how we had found the exam, to which I honestly reported was "blurry".
We then had our Tutorial session, which required the use of Chrome Books, and I eventually had to submit and request that I return home to retrieve said spectacles. The thought of going into my Electrics Exam without specs was quite "daunting" to say the least (Thank you Carl Roberts)! When I started upon my 3 year journey of Motor Vehicle knowledge acquisition, I did have a basic idea of the engine cycle (with mechanical distributors and chokes etc, but "no idea" of electrics whatsoever, so how I fared in the latter exam was very important to me.
Having retrieved spectacles and returned, it was back to 20/20 vision and back up "The Tower" to sit the exam. I have to say I was more confident of having done OK this time around, and was duly relieved to be informed that I had passed with 64% accordingly (although there wasn't a single question on electrical symbols)! Reminded me of when I was revising for my History exam at school - where I knew a lot about Henry VIII, but then didn't get one question on him either! A Pass is a Pass nonetheless, with which I am very pleased, especially considering it was a subject in which I truly did start at from the point of "zero" knowledge (progress)! Congratulations to everyone else also, as there were some very impressive results of hard work applied!
Fingers crossed your final two exams go just as well Martin.