Friday, 17 October 2014

The Garage - R&R Rear Drum Brakes & Fabricate Pipes - Friday 17th October 2014

Cleaning the Assembly prior
to commencing R&R
A very busy and productive day at AA Automotive today.  I was assigned to a first "live" of R&R Rear Brake Shoes, Cylinders and fabrication of replacement Brake Pipes on a Citroen Berlingo works van.  It certainly was not "plain sailing" by any stretch of the imagination, but I did complete it to an acceptable standard and left for work soiled, but very happy and satisfied indeed!
Leaking Slave Cylinder

With all parts cleaned, photographs taken for the purposes of parts orientation, and with the correct replacement parts present, I then began the process of R&R as planned, one side at a time to aid further reference on re-assembly.  All was going swimmingly until I reached the nuts securing the pipes into the rear of the cylinders.  Having removed the bleed nipples to ensure easy spanner access, the level of corrosion was too far gone even for Andy to rectify, so out came my old friend the hacksaw again.  With the pipe duly severed I was then able to remove the brake cylinder with a few taps of a Copper and Hide persuasion device.  
Removal of Cylinder 
Deffinately not a Yellow
Assembly removed and cleaned

I was then able to remove the remaining brake shoe assembly, and then give the whole backing plate and hubs a more thorough clean prior to re-installation of the replacement parts.  

Replacement Assembly Fitted
After much fiddling of springs and acts of nigh-on impossible physical contortion, the replacement assembly was successfully re-fitted very satisfactorily. After a short interval for a cuppa I then repeated the process to the near side, leaving the fabrication of both new pipes until last.

I really did enjoy the pipe fabrication part and it was good to revisit a skill first completed at Coleg Cambria 2 years ago now!  
Pipe Cutting, Flaring & Fitting Connectors

With both remains of the original pipework to use as a rough template I was able to "roughly" reproduce the replacement sections and with the correct size fittings at the correct ends, which was a relief when it all went back together again OK!  At the point of "down tools" to depart for work, the only tasks remaining were the re-installation of the drums, wheels and brake bleed, of which Dave was already on the case!  I had great supervision, assistance and encouragement from Dan and Andy throughout and I enjoyed the opportunity very much indeed.  Happy Friday and thank you all again!!!!
Happy Friday Feeling!!!

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