Sunday, 5 October 2014

Tutorial - Thursday 2nd October 2014

Today's Tutorial session was all about entrepreneurship, finding goals and maintaining a positive focus.  We were shown a couple of videos which were very informative and relevant to the topic. The class were introduced to the concept of the "visualisation" of dreams and goals, and the accompanying "belief and effort" that is required in order to manifest such dreams into this dimension of reality.  We were informed that we would be greeting a guest speaker in the following weeks Tutorial, Mr Nathan Pearson, founder of "Oil Monster", where we were to each present him with a question as to his success in achieving his dreams and goals.  I very much look forward to meeting him.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the session, Nathan will be visiting a week later due to contract commitments, I will attempt to tell everyone before this weeks tutorial to save any disappointment.
